Analysis of factors affecting ecosystem service changes and trade-offs from a geospatial perspective: Insights from the Manas River Basin of Xinjiang, China
投稿时间:2023-12-07  修订日期:2024-03-09
中文关键词: 生态系统服务  权衡  多尺度地理加权回归  InVEST模型  玛纳斯河流域
英文关键词: ecosystem  services, trade-offs, multi-scale  geographically weighted  regression, InVEST  model, Manas  River Basin
殷丽雪 珠海欧比特卫星大数据有限公司 519080
徐晓龙 珠海欧比特卫星大数据有限公司 
胡保安 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院 
刘璐铭 珠海欧比特卫星大数据有限公司 
王新军 新疆农业大学资源与环境学院 
贾宏涛* 新疆农业大学资源与环境学院 830052
摘要点击次数: 175
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      In the past few decades, the dominant human development patterns have brought serious negative effects on ecosystem services (ESs), and the rapid expansion of oasis agriculture in the Manas River Basin has intensified the conflict between socio-economic development and ecological protection. In this study, we used a professional model to evaluate the ESs of the Manas River Basin in 2000 and 2015, and quantified the trade-offs between ESs based on the changes in ESs during the study period, and then through Multi-scale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) to capture the differences in the spatial variation of the effects of driving factors on ESs changes and trade-offs. The results were as follows: 1) From 2000 to 2015, the area of cropland and built-up land increased by 50.81% and 91.95%, the area of unused land and grassland decreased by 16.88% and 6.71%. 2) Carbon storage (CS) and water yield (WY) increased by 4.76% and 37.12%, while sediment retention (SR) decreased by 9.94%. The trade-offs relationship between CS, SR and WY was heterogeneous in spatial distribution, and mountainous areas was the high-value region of ESs trade-offs. 3) The intensity and properties of the correlation between the changes and trade-offs of ESs and influencing factors was heterogeneous in spatial distribution, and dynamic degree of comprehensive land use changes (LUD), vegetation coverage changes (VC), and soil organic carbon (SOC) are the main driving factors of the changes and trade-offs of ESs. Based on the results, we recommend to planting grasslands in mountainous areas, set up water resources protection areas in oasis areas, and increasing investment in oasis agricultural science and technology, to promote the sustainable supply of ESs and alleviate the conflict between oasis agricultural development and ecological protection.
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