  农业环境科学学报  2019, Vol. 38 Issue (2): 249-256  DOI: 10.11654/jaes.2018-1584


王进进, 杨行健, 胡峥, 等. 基于风险等级的重金属污染耕地土壤修复技术集成体系研究[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2019, 38(2): 249-256.
WANG Jin-jin, YANG Xing-jian, HU Zheng, et al. Research on the risk level-based technology integration for the remediation of heavy metals polluted farmland[J]. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2019, 38(2): 249-256.



Project supported

The National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015BAD05B05); The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41601533)


李永涛, E-mail:yongtao@scau.edu.cn


王进进(1988-), 男, 安徽颍上人, 讲师, 主要从事重金属污染与修复模式研究。E-mail:wangjinjin@scau.edu.cn


收稿日期: 2018-12-13
录用日期: 2019-01-28
王进进1,2 , 杨行健1,2 , 胡峥1,2 , 张玉龙1,2 , 徐会娟1,2 , 李永涛1,2     
1. 华南农业大学资源环境学院, 广州 510642;
2. 中英环境科学研究中心, 华南农业大学, 广州 510642
摘要: 重金属单项控制技术在我国农田土壤修复中已有很多应用,但是面对复杂的土壤污染现状,缺乏基于不同风险等级的控制技术和治理体系,难以应对污染日益严重的不利局面,因此需要将各种单项修复技术进行合理的集成,形成污染耕地修复处理技术的筛选与集成方法体系。本研究基于适用于农田土壤修复的单项技术,包括植物修复技术、农艺修复技术、间套种技术、土壤淋洗技术和土壤钝化技术等,归纳和总结出不同类型技术的技术特性,形成土壤单项修复技术知识库,根据土壤污染风险等级、土壤理化性质、技术特性和人为因素等提出一种适宜的土壤修复技术筛选与集成的方法,为我国农田土壤修复/安全利用和可持续利用管理提供技术支撑。
关键词: 土壤修复    风险等级    技术集成    
Research on the risk level-based technology integration for the remediation of heavy metals polluted farmland
WANG Jin-jin1,2 , YANG Xing-jian1,2 , HU Zheng1,2 , ZHANG Yu-long1,2 , XU Hui-juan1,2 , LI Yong-tao1,2     
1. College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China;
2. Joint Institute for Environmental Research & Education, LEC-SCAU-GIG, Guangzhou 510642, China
Abstract: Soil remediation measures have been applied extensively in heavy metal polluted farmland in China. Because the control technology and remediation system are insufficient basing on different risk levels, it is difficult to deal with the soil pollution which has increasingly and seriously negative effects. Thus, it is necessary to integrate reasonably remediation technologies to find out a systematic method which is effective for the remediation of heavy metal polluted farmland. This study is conducted to summarize and make conclusion the characteristics of various technologies which are suitable for polluted soil remediation, including phytoremediation, agronomic measure, interplanting, soil leaching and soil passivation, etc. On this basis, we are trying to propose an integration between methodology and technology considering risk levels of pollution, physical and chemical properties of soil, technical characteristics and human activities, etc. This research provides an effective approach to technical support for the remediation and sustainable utilization of heavy metals polluted farmlands in China.
Keywords: soil remediation    risk level    technology integration    



1 适用于耕地土壤修复的单项技术入库

重金属污染耕地修复的技术集成首先需要对现有的、适用于农田土壤修复的单项技术进行总结、归纳和入库。我们选取了植物修复技术、农艺修复技术、间套种技术、土壤淋洗技术和土壤钝化技术等几大类技术,通过国内外文献调研、相关国家环境保护部门门户网站查阅以及专家咨询、研讨等方式,系统收集和整理现行的耕地土壤修复技术进行入库。根据现有的各项重金属单项控制技术的研究及工程应用案例,我们凝练出适用于农田土壤修复的单项技术推荐及其相应的技术特性,具体如表 1~表 6

表 1 植物修复技术推荐及技术特性 Table 1 Recommendation and technical characteristics of phytoremediation technology

表 2 低累积作物技术推荐及其技术特性 Table 2 Recommendation and technical characteristics of low accumulation crop technology

表 3 间作套种技术推荐及其技术特性 Table 3 Recommendation and technical characteristics of intercropping technology

表 4 水肥管理技术推荐及技术特性 Table 4 Recommendation and technical characteristics of water and fertilizer management technology

表 5 土壤淋洗技术推荐及技术特性 Table 5 Recommendation and technical characteristics of soil leaching technology

表 6 钝化技术推荐与技术特征 Table 6 Recommendation and technical characteristics of immobilization technology
2 不同污染风险等级农田土壤的单项修复治理技术归纳

现阶段污染修复项目资金投入较大,试验技术繁杂,鉴于有些技术的投资与运行参数不完整、实际应用时间不长、推广价值有待检验等原因,试点选取的技术可偏向于植物修复、微生物修复、电化学修复等原位修复技术。经济条件宽裕的省区,可因地制宜地开展各类修复技术的试点示范。表 7归纳了适用于不同污染风险等级农田土壤的修复治理技术。

表 7 不同污染风险等级农田土壤修复治理技术汇总 Table 7 Summary of soil remediation techniques for farmland of different pollution risk levels
3 重金属污染耕地修复技术集成总体思路及筛选步骤




上述内容中推荐了一些可行的技术,而技术的选择需要结合具体的农田土壤环境质量特征来进行。因此,重金属污染农田土壤修复技术的筛选步骤应如图 1进行。

图 1 重金属污染农田土壤修复技术的筛选步骤 Figure 1 Screening steps of remediation techniques for heavy metal contaminated farmland soils

(1)基于污染风险筛选:根据第2部分提到的待修复农田土壤环境质量调查,提取出污染农田土壤污染风险等级和重金属等信息,在表 1~表 5中初步筛选出符合污染等级和重金属类型的技术群1。




4 重金属污染农田集成修复技术展望


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