罗远恒,顾雪元,吴永贵,刘智敏,童 非,谭印月.钝化剂对农田土壤镉污染的原位钝化修复效应研究[J].农业环境科学学报,2014,33(5):890-897.
In-situ Remediation of Cadmium-polluted Agriculture Land Using Stabilizing Amendments
中文关键词: 改良剂  Cd  原位钝化  小麦  水稻  土壤修复
英文关键词: amendments  Cd  in-situ immobilization  wheat  rice  soil remediation
罗远恒 贵州大学资源与工程学院 贵阳 550003污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室 南京大学环境学院 南京 210023 
顾雪元 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室 南京大学环境学院 南京 210023 
吴永贵 贵州大学资源与工程学院 贵阳 550003 
刘智敏 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室 南京大学环境学院 南京 210023 
童 非 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室 南京大学环境学院 南京 210023 
谭印月 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室 南京大学环境学院 南京 210023 
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      选择野外镉(Cd)污染农田,以小麦(第一季)、水稻(第二季)为模式作物,以蒙脱土、钙镁磷肥、磷矿石、重钙、普钙为钝化修复材料(施加浓度为1.3 kg·m-2),并配施石灰(0.52 kg·m-2),研究其对小麦、水稻产量及籽粒中Cd含量、土壤pH以及土壤中Cd形态分布的影响,考察不同钝化剂对农田土壤Cd污染的原位钝化修复效果。结果表明:施用不同钝化剂后均显著抑制小麦和水稻籽粒对Cd的吸收,而配施石灰能更进一步抑制小麦和水稻对Cd的吸收。第一季,钙镁磷肥和蒙脱石配施石灰的抑制效果最好,钙镁磷肥配施石灰和蒙脱土配施石灰降幅分别达到78.7%和72.8%;第二季,钙镁磷肥和重钙配施石灰的抑制效果最好,钙镁磷肥配施石灰和重钙配施石灰降幅分别达到82.83%和67.43%。研究发现钝化剂显著降低土壤酸溶态Cd 含量,而小麦和水稻籽粒中Cd含量与土壤pH呈极显著负相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.817和-0.718;与土壤酸溶态Cd呈显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.769和0.613;同时发现施用钝化剂后小麦、水稻的产量均有显著提高,增幅最大的为可溶性磷肥重钙和钙镁磷肥,原因可能是施入的改良剂减缓了Cd毒性,同时提供了作物生长所需的钙、镁、磷等必需营养元素。根据田间试验效果, 钙镁磷肥配施石灰对降低小麦和水稻中Cd含量的效果最显著,可推荐作为Cd 污染土壤的改良剂。旱作条件下,蒙脱石配施石灰也是Cd污染农田改良剂的较好选择,而稻作条件下则不宜使用。
      In-situ immobilization of heavy metal contaminated soils is a cost-effective remediation technique. However, stabilizing agents are critical to this technique. Here five amendments, including calcium-based montmorillonite(MT), fused calcium-magnesium phosphate(CMP), phosphorus rock(PR), superphosphate(SP), and triple superphosphate(TSP), were chosen to remediate a Cd-contaminated farmland soil. All amendments were applied at 1.3 kg·m-2 alone or in combination with 0.52 kg·m-2 lime. Two season crops(wheat and rice)were grown after amendment applications. Amendments significantly reduced the uptake of Cd in crop grains. CMP and MT with lime had the greatest Cd reduction in wheat(78.7% and 72.8% respectively), while CMP and TSP with lime were the best for Cd reduction in rice(82.83% and 67.43%, respectively). Most amendments greatly decreased dissolved fraction of Cd in soil, due to increased soil pH. Cadmium contents in grains showed a significant negative correlation with soil pH, but a significant positive correlation with soil acid-soluble Cd. Applications of amendments, especially dissolvable P fertilizers, significantly increased crop production, might due to reduced Cd toxicity and improved Ca, Mg and P nutrition. The results show that CMP with lime provides the best Cd immobilization for both wheat and rice. MT with lime would also be a good amendment for wheat under limited P fertilizers.
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