Degradation of soil atrazine by magnetic biochar coupled with functional bacteria pellet
中文关键词: 阿特拉津  DNS32降解菌  磁性生物炭  固定化技术  土壤修复
英文关键词: atrazine  DNS32 degrading bacteria  magnetic biochar  immobilization technology  soil remediation
魏书奇 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010  
李梓玮 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010  
吴志欢 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010  
毕馥漩 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010  
王思琪 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010  
孟庆娟 东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨 150010 mengqingjuan@neau.edu.cn 
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      本研究通过海藻酸钠包埋磁性生物炭与降解菌DNS32形成磁性炭基菌球(DMBC-P),并将其用于阿特拉津(ATZ)污染土壤的修复,探讨其去除ATZ的效能及促进大豆幼苗生长的能力。研究表明,当海藻酸钠与氯化钙的浓度为2%时,DMBC-P对ATZ的去除能力最强。在DMBC-P投加量为2%、温度为30 ℃、pH=7.3时,其对水体中ATZ的去除率可达到99.99%;并且在pH为3.3~7.3、温度为10~50 ℃以及ATZ浓度为30~140 mg·L-1的环境中,DMBC-P对ATZ的去除性能仍然十分优异且其可以被有效回收。盆栽试验结果表明,施用DMBC-P进行修复后,该处理下大豆幼苗的生理指标显著高于空白对照处理,叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素和总叶绿素含量分别提高79.14%、45.48%、67.87%和110.78%。研究表明,DMBC-P施用于污染土壤中能够实现ATZ的高效去除和材料有效回收,是一种极具潜力的污染土壤修复材料。
      In this study, magnetic biochar and DNS32 were embedded and immobilized with sodium alginate to form magnetic biological pellets(DMBC-P), which were used to remediate atrazine-contaminated soil. Furthermore, their ability to remove atrazine and the mechanism by which they alleviated atrazine stress on soybean seedlings were explored. The results showed that DMBC-P had the strongest atrazine removal ability when the sodium alginate and calcium chloride content was 2%. At a DMBC-P dosage of 2%, temperature of 30 ℃, and pH of 7.3, the atrazine removal efficiency reached 99.99%. DMBC-P also exhibited excellent atrazine removal performance under the conditions of pH 3.3–7.3, temperatures of 10–50 ℃, and atrazine concentrations of 30–140 mg L-1, and it could be effectively recycled. Pot experiment results showed that the physiological indexes of soybean seedlings after DMBC-P remediation were significantly higher than those under CK treatment, and the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, and total chlorophyll were increased by 79.14%, 45.48%, 67.87%, and 110.87%, respectively. The results show that DMBC-P applied to contaminated soil can efficiently remove atrazine and effectively recover materials. It is a suitable contaminated soil remediation material with great research potential.
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