Negative issues of antibiotic use in livestock and management policies comparison between China,the United States,and the European Union
中文关键词: 兽用抗生素使用  抗生素耐药性  政策演变  国际比较
英文关键词: antibiotic use in animals  antibiotic resistance  policy evolution  international comparison
贾亚楠 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院, 北京 100872  
唐忠 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院, 北京 100872 tangzhong@ruc.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1565
全文下载次数: 1461
      Antibiotic use in livestock has undoubtedly propelled the rapid development of the industry, however, also it has also raised concerns on the threat of antibiotic resistance to both human health and livestock sector sustainability. This paper systematically reviews on-farm antibiotic use, the emergence and acknowledgment of antibiotic resistance, as well as antibiotic management policy evolution. Furthermore, it examines the differences in management approaches between China, the United States, and the European Union and the reasons behind these differences. The paper argues for the necessity of China, in its pursuit of agricultural modernization, to continuously pay attention to the adverse impacts associated with antibiotic usage in livestock, expedite the transition towards sustainable livestock production practices, raise public awareness of antibiotic resistance, and foster community engagement in combating the resistance development. It further recommends that China, in formulating optimal policy responses, should align with its developmental goals, learn lessons from the United States' delayed response due to lobbying pressures, balance the social costs and benefits of antibiotic use, and leverage its institutional strengths. The paper advocates for China 's active support and engagement in international efforts to enhance global antibiotic management.
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