罗梦琴,龚崇艳,方婷,江俊贤,唐志康,张莲洁,蔡琳琳,龚小强.生物炭对牛粪-酒糟-园林废弃物联合蚯蚓堆肥进程及重金属钝化的影响[J].农业环境科学学报,2024,43(6):1400-1410. |
生物炭对牛粪-酒糟-园林废弃物联合蚯蚓堆肥进程及重金属钝化的影响 |
Biochar influence on the composting process and heavy metal passivation during cow manure,wine lees,and garden waste co-vermicomposting |
投稿时间:2023-01-11 |
DOI:10.11654/jaes.2024-0044 |
中文关键词: 玉米芯生物炭 重金属 赤子爱胜蚯蚓 细菌群落结构 园林废弃物 |
英文关键词: corncob biochar heavy metal Eisenia fetida bacterial community structure green waste |
基金项目:西南科技大学校级项目(22zx7117);四川省科技厅项目(2022HXC0013) |
摘要点击次数: 1254 |
全文下载次数: 1017 |
中文摘要: |
为探究生物炭对蚯蚓堆肥过程理化特性、微生物群落结构组成和重金属形态变化的影响,以牛粪、酒糟和园林废弃物为原料,分别添加5%(质量比)的竹炭、木屑生物炭和玉米芯生物炭,采用赤子爱胜蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida)开展为期60 d的堆肥试验。结果表明:相比对照,3种生物炭添加显著增加了种子发芽指数,降低了堆体最终碳氮比,促进了堆肥腐熟,最终堆体全氮、硝态氮和腐植酸含量分别提高10.74%~13.20%、41.91%~54.29%和26.22%~33.44%,不同生物炭之间,添加玉米芯生物炭能提高有机质降解率和全氮含量,添加木屑生物炭可以提高堆体硝态氮含量和腐植酸含量。3种生物炭添加均提高了堆肥细菌的多样性和丰富度,提高了Actinomadura、Ilumatobacter和Saccharomonospora等木质纤维素降解菌的丰度;此外3种生物炭添加促进了铜和锌从可交换态转化为氧化态,钝化率分别提高了11.7个和5.87个百分点,添加竹炭处理对铜和锌的钝化率效果最好,能较好地促进铜和锌从活性较高的可交换态向着稳定性更高的氧化态转化。相关性分析表明,铜和锌的氧化态分配率与腐植酸、木质纤维素降解菌呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。研究表明,竹炭、木屑生物炭和玉米芯生物炭均能提高蚯蚓堆肥腐熟、改善细菌群落结构和增加重金属钝化效率。 |
英文摘要: |
In this study, we aimed at investigating how biochar supplementation impacts physicochemical parameters, microbial communities, and heavy metal fractions and distributions during the vermicomposting process. We performed vermicomposting experiments of cow manure, wine lees, and garden waste as raw materials, using Eisenia fetida for 60 days at 5%(weight ratio)and separately supplementing the mixed substrates with bamboo biochar, wood biochar, and corncob biochar. Our results indicated that the addition of the three biochar types increased the seed germination index, reduced C/N, promoted compost maturity, and enhanced the total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and humic acid contents in the final composts by 10.74% – 13.20%, 41.91% – 54.29%, and 26.22% – 33.44%, respectively, compared with the control. Between different types of biochar, the addition of corncob biochar could increase the degradation rate of organic matter and total nitrogen content. Wood biochar supplementation exerted a more important effect by increasing the nitrate nitrogen and humic acid contents in the compost. The addition of the three biochar types increased microbial richness and diversity, especially increasing the abundance of lignocellulolytic microorganisms, such as Actinomadur, Ilumatobacter, and Saccharomonospora. In addition, the supplementation of the three biochar types enhanced the exchangeable-into-oxide fraction transforming efficiency as well as increased the passivation rate of copper and zinc by 11.87 and 5.87 percentage points, respectively. The 5% bamboo biochar treatment yielded the highest copper and zinc passivation rates, and bamboo biochar supplementation could promote copper and zinc conversion from the higheractivity exchangeable state to the stable oxidation state. The correlation analysis results indicated that the copper and zinc oxide components positively correlated with humic acid and lignocellulolytic microorganisms(P<0.05). This study demonstrated that bamboo biochar, wood biochar, or corncob biochar supplementation could enhance vermicompost maturity, improve bacterial community structure, and promote metal passivation. |
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