Pollution levels and sources of heavy metals in plot-scale farmland soil
中文关键词: 重金属  污染评价  空间分布  污染来源分析
英文关键词: heavy metals  pollution evaluation  spatial distribution  pollution sources analysis
王寅 安徽国祯环境修复股份有限公司, 合肥 230088
合肥市土壤及地下水修复工程技术研究中心, 合肥 230088 
谢荣焕 安徽国祯环境修复股份有限公司, 合肥 230088 
李伟平 安徽国祯环境修复股份有限公司, 合肥 230088
合肥市土壤及地下水修复工程技术研究中心, 合肥 230088 
江红艳 合肥市土壤及地下水修复工程技术研究中心, 合肥 230088 
摘要点击次数: 584
全文下载次数: 577
      To identify the scope and degree of pollution in contaminated farmland areas and implement effective control measures to prevent harm or further spread, soil samples at various depths, surface water, sediment, and groundwater samples were collected in the southern county of Anhui Province. The heavy metal contents and other characteristic parameters in different environmental samples were measured to analyze the pollution levels. The main pollutant sources were analyzed by homology analysis, clustering analysis, spatial variability analysis, etc. The results indicated that the Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn contents in some soil samples of farmland and forest land in the survey area exceeded the risk screening values corresponding to their pH range. The total Cd exceedance rates in farmland and forest land soil samples was 16.9% and 6.0%, respectively, while the total Ni exceedance rates were 72.9% and 88.0%. The total Cr exceedance rates were 62.7% and 68.0%, and the total Zn exceedance rates were 5.1% and 6.0%. The Ni content in some sediment samples exceeded the corresponding risk screening value limit, with an exceeding rate of 80%. The surface water and groundwater samples met the corresponding water quality standards. There was homology among Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd in soil samples of forest land and farmland within the survey area, indicating a common source.
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