杨子仪,吴景贵,冯娜娜,陈 闯.不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施下黑土中Zn含量及形态变化特征[J].农业环境科学学报,2014,33(9):1728-1735. |
不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施下黑土中Zn含量及形态变化特征 |
Effects of Different Livestock Manures Combined with Chemical Fertilizers on Contents and Fractions of Zn in Black Soil |
DOI:10.11654/jaes.2014.09.009 |
中文关键词: 畜禽粪肥 Zn 形态变化 黑土 |
英文关键词: livestock manure Zn transformation black soil |
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中文摘要: |
通过培养实验并采用改进的BCR连续提取法研究了不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施作用下黑土中Zn含量及形态在3年内动态变化特征。研究结果显示:不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施增加了土壤中Zn总量和土壤各形态Zn含量,其中猪粪与化肥配施处理Zn总量为单施化肥处理的1.69倍,各形态Zn含量平均增幅达238.9%;不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施还导致了Zn由生物有效性低的可氧化态和残渣态向生物有效性高的酸可提取态和可还原态转化,转化程度依次为猪粪与化肥配施>鸡粪与化肥配施>牛粪与化肥配施、单施化肥。在对影响Zn形态转化因素进行相关分析时发现:不论施肥与否,土壤中酸可提取态和可还原态Zn均与pH值、有机质含量呈显著负相关关系,而可氧化态和残渣态Zn与pH值、有机质含量呈显著正相关关系。此外,不同畜禽粪肥与化肥配施使得土壤中残渣态Zn与pH值间正相关性增强,而对各形态Zn与有机质含量间相关性影响不大。本研究条件下,畜禽粪肥与化肥配施造成了Zn在土壤中积累,提高了Zn的生物有效性,因而增加了土壤Zn污染风险;而不同粪肥间以猪粪与化肥配施对Zn污染影响最为显著,牛粪与化肥配施则与单施化肥差别不大。 |
英文摘要: |
Applying livestock manures has resulted in accumulation of heavy metals in soils. Impacts of heavy metals on the eco-environment are greatly dependent on their forms. Here a 3-year incubation experiment was conducted to study the effects of different livestock manures combined with chemical fertilizers on the dynamics of contents and forms of Zn in black soil. Modified BCR sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate Zn forms. Combined applications of manures and chemical fertilizers increased the contents of total Zn and Zn fractions. Total Zn in the pig manure plus chemical fertilizer treatment was 1.69 times as much as that in the chemical fertilizers only, and each fraction of soil Zn was increased by an average of 238.9%. The combined application also led to a transformation of Zn from low bioavailability fractions(Organic matter fraction and Residual fraction) to high bioavailability fractions(Weak acid soluble and Reducible fractions). The degree of Zn transformation was in order of pig manures>chicken manure>cow manure/fertilizers only. No mater fertilization or not, soil pH and organic matter contents were significantly negatively correlated with weak acid soluble and reducible fractions, but positively with organic and residual fractions of Zn. Combined applications enhanced the positive correlation between residual fraction and pH, but had no effects on the correlation between Zn fractions and organic matter contents. Therefore, the combined application of manures and chemical fertilizer caused accumulation of Zn and improved the bioavailability of Zn, thus increasing the risk of soil pollution, with pig manure having the greatest impact on Zn pollution. |
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