Effects of biochar on carbon footprint of corn fields in arid regions
中文关键词: CH4  N2O  碳足迹  温室气体
英文关键词: CH4  N2O  carbon footprint  greenhouse gas
王冠丽 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018
内蒙古自治区水资源保护与利用重点实验室, 呼和浩特 010018 
孙铁军 内蒙古自治区水利水电勘测设计院, 呼和浩特 010020  
刘廷玺 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018
内蒙古自治区水资源保护与利用重点实验室, 呼和浩特 010018 
程功 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018  
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全文下载次数: 2840
      为粮食稳定增产的同时降低农田生态系统的温室气体排放和碳足迹。本研究在科尔沁沙丘-草甸梯级生态系统中的玉米农田设置施入不同含量生物炭的对比试验,其施用生物炭量分别为:0(CK)、15(C15)、30 t·hm-2(C30)和45 t·hm-2(C45),就各处理生命周期内温室气体(CO2、CH4及N2O)通量进行观测,对其农资投入进行统计,并进行碳足迹的计算。结果表明:施用生物炭会有效降低玉米农田生态系统的温室气体累计排放总量,处理C15、C30、C45与对照CK相比,其温室气体累计排放量分别降低21.4%、14.2%、16.8%;碳足迹及单位产量碳足迹则随着生物炭添加含量的增加而明显增大,处理C15、C30、C45与对照CK相比,其碳足迹分别增大73.1%、149.1%、227.8%,其单位产量的碳足迹分别增大59.8%、121.2%、195.9%。相比对照C15,处理C30和C45分别提高了玉米产量的4.2%和2.2%,但增幅均并不显著。因此综合经济效益和环境因素考虑,建议科尔沁地区玉米农田在生产过程中施用15 t·hm-2生物炭,在保证增加产量的同时将农田生态系统的碳足迹控制在较低范围内。
      Agricultural research is now more concerned about the problem of reducing the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of farmland production systems while maintaining production. This study is based on comparative experiments, applying different amounts of biochar in corn farmland in the Horqin dune-meadow cascade ecosystem. The biochar amounts were:0 t·hm-2(CK), 15 t·hm-2(C15), 30 t·hm-2(C30), and 45 t·hm-2(C45). Observations on the greenhouse gas(CO2, CH4, and N2O) fluxes within a life cycle of the four treatments, financial costs, and the calculation of the carbon footprint were conducted. The results showed the application of biochar would effectively reduce the total greenhouse gas emissions of corn production. Compared with the CK treatment, the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions of C15, C30, and C45 decreased by 21.4%, 14.2%, and 16.8%, respectively. The carbon footprint and the per unit output increased significantly with the increase in biochar addition. Compared with the CK treatment, the carbon footprint of C15, C30, and C45 increased by 73.1%, 149.1%, and 227.8%, respectively. Moreover, the per unit output of the carbon footprint increased by 59.8%, 121.2%, and 195.9%, respectively. The treatments of C30 and C45 increased corn yield by 4.2% and 2.2%, respectively, in comparison to that of the C15 treatment, which were both not significant. Therefore, considering the comprehensive economic benefits and environmental factors, it is recommended 15 t·hm-2 biochar be applied to the corn farmland in the Horqin area during production, which will greatly reduce the carbon footprint during production while maintaining the increased production.
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