A Reduce-Retain-Reuse-Restore Technology for Controlling Rural Non-point Pollution in China: Eco-Retain Technology
中文关键词: 面源污染  过程阻断  生态拦截  人工湿地  生态沟  丁型潜坝技术  稻田消纳
英文关键词: non-point pollution  pollutant blocking  eco-retaining  artificial wetland  ecological ditch  T-submerged dam technology  wetland paddy field
施卫明 中国科学院南京土壤研究所 
薛利红 江苏省农业科学院 
王建国 中国科学院南京土壤研究所 
刘福兴 上海市农业科学院 
宋祥甫 上海市农业科学院 
杨林章 中国科学院南京土壤研究所江苏省农业科学院 
摘要点击次数: 4511
全文下载次数: 3812
      Rural non-point pollution is characterized with random emission paths, wide-ranging emission areas, and large emission amounts. An eco-retain technology is vital to block pollutants from transporting into water body systems for controlling rural non-point source pollution. This paper reviewed eco-retain technologies currently used in the world. The ecological ditches not only effectively remove nitrogen and phosphorous in water discharged from agricultural fields, but function as ecological landscape without occupying additional land. Artificial wetlands, wetland paddy fields and pre-reservoirs are also able to remove nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants effectively. However, these ecological approaches occupy large land, which restricts their applications in economically developed areas of China. The interception and purification of pollutants at land-water interface, represented by T-submerged dam, shows relatively high potential to retain rural non-point source pollutants. Other technologies as buffer zones, grass cover, denitrification ditch, and wetland-multistage ponds also have good application prospects. Application of eco-retaining technology for rural non-point pollution control should take into account the ecological, environmental, and landscape functions, in full combination with regional environmental characteristics and social-economic conditions.
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