Effect of nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles(N-CNPs) on nitrogen runoff and leakage loss in paddy fields
中文关键词: 氮掺杂碳纳米粒子  稻田  氮肥  径流损失  渗漏损失
英文关键词: nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles  paddy  nitrogen fertilizer  runoff loss  leakage loss
胡伟 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所, 湖南 湘潭 411201 
向建华 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所, 湖南 湘潭 411201 
向言词 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所, 湖南 湘潭 411201 
周练 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所, 湖南 湘潭 411201 
陈燕 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所, 湖南 湘潭 411201 
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      为明确氮掺杂碳纳米粒子(N-CNPs)在田间条件下对单季稻田氮素径流和渗漏损失的影响,采用田间小区实验,对不同用量N-CNPs和双氰胺(DCD)配施尿素时稻田径流液和渗漏液中总氮(TN)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)的动态和损失总量进行研究。结果表明:与单独施用尿素(Urea)处理相比,N-CNPs配施尿素能降低稻田径流NH4+-N浓度和渗漏液中NO3--N浓度;基肥后第1次自然降雨产流时,15‰N-CNPs处理径流液中NH4+-N浓度较Urea处理降低30.33%,基肥后第7 d渗漏液中NO3--N浓度较Urea处理降低了27.22%。在水稻全生育期内,15‰N-CNPs处理径流总氮损失量为8.15 kg·hm-2,占该处理总施氮量的4.08%,较Urea处理减少2.04 kg·hm-2,降幅达到20.02%;TN渗漏总量为16.59 kg·hm-2,占施氮总量的8.30%,较Urea处理减少8.83 kg·hm-2,降幅达到34.73%,其径流和渗漏TN损失量较5% DCD处理分别降低5.67%和15.70%。研究表明,尿素配施N-CNPs能显著减少稻田氮素径流和渗漏损失,达到提高氮肥利用效率、控制农田非点源污染范围和强度的目的。
      A field experiment was conducted from May to December 2016 in Changsha County,Hunan Province,China,to determine the effects of nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles (N-CNPs) on nitrogen loss in runoff and leakage in a paddy field.The results showed that the application of N-CNPs led to significantly lower runoff of NH4+-N,and leakage of NO3--N.Compared with the urea treatments,during the first natural rainfall runoff after base fertilizer had been applied,the 15‰N-CNPs treatments decreased NH4+-N concentrations by 30.33% in runoff and NO3--N concentrations by 27.22% in leakage water within seven days after fertilizer application.The results of monitoring for N loss with natural rainfall runoff indicated that,with 15‰N-CNPs application,total nitrogen (TN) loss from the paddy was 8.15 kg·hm-2 throughout the rice growing season.It accounted for 4.08% of urea-N applied.Furthermore,The loss amount of total nitrogen decreased by 20.02% under the condition of adding 15‰N-CNPs into urea compared with urea treatments.The results of monitoring for nitrogen loss with leakage indicated that,with 15‰N-CNPs application,leakage TN loss from the paddy was 16.59 kg·hm-2 throughout the rice growing season.It accounted for 8.30% of urea-N applied.Lastly,15‰N-CNPs application decreased by 34.73% compared with that of urea,and TN loss with runoff and leakage in 15‰N-CNPs treatments decreased by 5.67% and 15.70%,respectively,compared with 5% dicyandiamide treatments.Collectively,the application of N-CNPs can be effective in reducing nitrogen loss from paddy fields and promoting pollution control of agricultural non-point source pollution.
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