Response of N2O emissions from Hainan red soil to different carbon sources under different moisture conditions
中文关键词: 生物炭  秸秆  土壤 N2O排放  土壤水分  硝化作用
英文关键词: biochar  straw  soil N2O emission  soil moisture  nitrification
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42067008,41701267);海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目(320RC493)The National Natural Science Foundation of China(42067008,41701267);High Level Talents Project of Hainan Natural ScienceFoundation(320RC493)
朱启林 海南省三亚市农业农村局, 海南 三亚 572000
海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228 
刘丽君 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
何秋香 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
刘金霞 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
曹明 海南省三亚市农业农村局, 海南 三亚 572000  
伍延正 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
汤水荣 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
孟磊 海南大学热带作物学院, 海口 570228  
柯用春 海南省三亚市农业农村局, 海南 三亚 572000 key1318119@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1124
全文下载次数: 1396
      为探讨添加不同水分条件下土壤N2O排放对碳源添加的响应,以无任何添加的土壤为空白处理(CK),设置B1、B2两个生物炭处理(B1:生物炭添加量为土壤质量的1%;B2:生物炭添加量为土壤质量的2%)和秸秆处理S(水稻秸秆添加量为土壤质量的2.75%,秸秆用量与制备B1的秸秆用量相当),同时设置45%持水量W1(模拟干旱)、75%持水量W2(适中)和100%持水量W3(淹水)3个水分条件,培养25 d。结果表明:不同水分条件下土壤NH4+-N含量为W1>W2>W3,NO3--N含量为W3>W2>W1。土壤水分显著影响N2O排放,相比W1,CK、S、B1、B2处理在W2和W3水分条件下的N2O累积排放量分别增加806.2%、455.8%、713.2%、311.3%和798.6%、315.3%、801.6%、661.7%。W1和W2水分条件下,相比CK,秸秆添加显著增加土壤N2O累积排放量,增幅分别为80.9%和10.9%。添加生物炭在各水分条件下均降低土壤N2O累积排放量,水分含量越高,降幅越大,B1和B2降幅分别为25.7%~33.5%和22.9%~65.0%。研究表明,海南红壤中添加生物炭可以减少土壤N2O排放,而秸秆还田在持水量小于75%时可增加土壤N2O排放,在淹水条件下可降低土壤N2O排放。
      To explore the response of soil N2O emission to carbon sources addition under different water conditions, two biochar treatments B1 and B2 were set up(B1:the amount of biochar added was 1% of the soil mass, B2:the amount of biochar added was 2% of the soil mass), straw treatment S(the amount of rice straw added was 2.75% of the soil mass, and the amount of straw was equivalent to that of B1) and 3 moisture conditions were set at the same time. In addition, a control treatment with no added soil, as the blank treatment(CK), was set up. Each treatment was cultivated for 25 d under the conditions of 45% of the maximum soil water holding capacity W1(simulated drought), 75% of the maximum soil water holding capacity W2(moderate), and 100% of the maximum soil water holding capacity W3 (flooding). Results showed that the level of NH+ 4-N content in soil under different water conditions was in this order:W1>W2>W3, and the level of NO3--N content was in this order:W3>W2>W1. Soil moisture significantly affected N2O emissions. Compared with W1, the cumulative N2O emissions of CK treatment under W2 and W3 moistures increased by 806.2% and 798.6%, respectively; S increased by 455.8% and 315.3%, respectively; and B1 treatments increased by 713.2% and 801.6%,B2 treatments increased by 311.3% and 661.7%,respectively. Under the water conditions of W1 and W2, the addition of straw(S)significantly increased the cumulative emission of soil N2O compared with CK by 80.9% and 10.9%, respectively. The addition of biochar(B1, B2)reduced the cumulative emission of soil N2O under all moisture conditions. The higher the moisture content, the greater the reduction in soil N2O emission. The decrease in B1 and B2 was 25.7%~33.5% and 22.9%~65.0%, respectively. The results of this study show that the addition of biochar to Hainan red soil can reduce soil N2O emissions; however, straw returning to the field can increase soil N2O emissions when the water holding capacity is less than 75%, and can reduce soil N2O emissions under flooding conditions.
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