Effect of different N fertilizer applications on CO2 emissions from Lou soil in Central Shaanxi
中文关键词: 氮肥种类  干烧  无机碳  碳释放
英文关键词: nitrogen fertilizer  dry combustion  inorganic carbon  carbon emission
孟延 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100
渭南市农业科学研究所, 陕西 渭南 714000 
李雪松 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100  
郝平琦 渭南市农业科学研究所, 陕西 渭南 714000  
张盈科 渭南市农业科学研究所, 陕西 渭南 714000  
张永民 渭南市农业科学研究所, 陕西 渭南 714000  
周建斌 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100 jbzhou@nwsuaf.edu.cn 
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      采用密闭培养法探究了不同类型氮肥对土壤碳释放的影响及可能的调控机理,为土壤碳氮调节提供参考。分别在未干烧及干烧条件下,测定加入三种氮肥[NH4NO3、KNO3、(NH42SO4]之后土壤碳释放量、释放比例、土壤pH值及矿质态氮含量的变化。结果表明:未干烧条件下加入不同氮肥均增加了塿土CO2 的释放,比对照平均增加 36.6%;加入(NH42SO4 的土壤CO2增加幅度显著高于其他处理,与施氮促进有机质矿化以及硝化作用降低pH值促进碳酸盐分解有关;干烧后土壤硝化作用及pH值降低幅度低于未干烧土壤,但加入氮肥仍促进了土壤CO2的释放,且比对照平均增加 24.5%;整个培养过程估算出CO2源于无机碳的释放比例平均为 27.2%。这表明无机碳也是西北石灰性土壤碳释放的来源,对于大量施用氮肥引起的无机碳释放应当在今后的碳氮研究中引起重视。
      This study aimed to explore the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer applications on CO2 emissions from Lou soil in Central Shaanxi. A closed-jar incubation experiment was arranged to estimate CO2 emissions from organic and inorganic sources of soil carbon(SOC and SIC). The soil was used with and without dry combustion. Soil was fertilized by the addition of three kinds of nitrogen fertilizers:NH4NO3, KNO3, and(NH4)2SO4. The amount of CO2 released, emission ratio, soil pH, and mineral nitrogen were determined. Results showed that soil pH significantly increased at the beginning of incubation after dry combustion, and the average pH was 9.66 on the first day. This was due to the removal of SOC, which rapidly decreased the soil buffer capacity. The ammonium-N content with the ammonium nitrogen fertilizer treatments without dry combustion decreased rapidly with time. After dry combustion, ammonium-N content of the(NH4)2SO4 treatment decreased, and the reduction was smaller than that in the treatments without dry combustion. There were no significant changes for the other two fertilizer treatments. In contrast to ammonium-N, the nitrate-N content with the ammonium nitrogen fertilizer treatments increased with time. For the soils without dry combustion, the amount of released CO2 was highest for the(NH4)2SO4 treatment, followed by that for the NH4NO3 and KNO3 treatments. The average release increment was 36.6% over that of CK. The(NH4)2SO4 treatment also had the highest release amount after dry combustion, with the average release amount increased by 24.5%. The estimated emission ratio of CO2 from SIC was 27.2%. Our study proved that in calcareous soil, CO2 can be released not only from SOC, but also from SIC. It is recommended that further studies address the relationship between changes in climate and SIC resulting from N fertilizer application, which affect CO2 evolution.
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