Influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature on grain plumpness in rice
中文关键词: CO2浓度升高  增温  水稻  产量  粒位  充实度
英文关键词: elevated CO2 concentration  elevated temperature  rice  yield  grain position  grain plumpness
袁嫚嫚 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室/中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 南京 210008
安徽省养分循环与资源环境省级实验室/安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 合肥 230031
中国科学院大学, 北京 100049 
朱建国 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室/中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 南京 210008 jgzhu@issas.ac.cn 
孙义祥 安徽省养分循环与资源环境省级实验室/安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 合肥 230031 sunyixiang@126.com 
王伟露 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室/中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 南京 210008  
刘钢 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室/中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 南京 210008  
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      为了明确水稻籽粒充实度对未来大气CO2浓度([CO2])和温度相伴升高的响应,应用T-FACE(Temperature and Free AirCO2 Enrichment)试验平台,以优质粳稻南粳9108为试材,研究[CO2]升高(对照+200 μmol·mol-1)和增温(对照+1℃)对水稻灌浆期和收获期不同粒位籽粒充实度和产量的影响。结果表明,与对照(Ambient)相比,高[CO2]增加了水稻产量和有效穗数,高温的结果与之相反。[CO2]和温度升高下,2015年和2016年水稻分别减产4.0%和14.0%,有效穗数相应减少3.5%和5.4%。强势粒千粒质量最大,比饱粒、中势粒和弱势粒千粒质量分别提高了8.0%~11.7%、10.5%~15.0%和38.8%~63.9%。与Ambient相比,[CO2]和温度升高对饱粒、强势粒、弱势粒千粒质量无显著影响,但[CO2]升高显著提高中势粒千粒质量(P<0.05),增温极显著降低了中势粒千粒质量(P<0.01)。收获期,[CO2]升高增加了强、弱势粒穗粒质量,减少了单穗粒质量和中势粒穗粒质量;增温降低了强、中势粒穗粒质量;[CO2]和温度升高降低了水稻单穗粒质量和中势粒穗粒质量。进一步分析,[CO2]或温度升高水稻强、弱势粒占穗质量比例增加,中势粒占穗质量比例减少。[CO2]和温度升高两年弱势粒占穗质量比例平均增加了33.1%,远高于强势粒占穗质量比例的增幅(12.4%),中势粒占穗质量比例平均减少了4.5%。收获期,强、中、弱势粒占穗质量比例分别为9.9%~15.9%、73.2%~84.8%、5.2%~10.6%。因此,中势粒穗粒质量及其比例的减少对产量的影响大于强势粒、弱势粒。2016年单穗粒质量和中势粒穗质量比2015年明显减少,导致2016年产量下降了17.3%~28.6%,增温加剧了产量的降幅,应与2016年水稻开花期高温、灌浆期多雨有关。综上所述,[CO2]和温度升高下弱势粒占穗质量比例的增加及中势粒千粒质量、穗粒质量及其占穗质量比例的减少,导致[CO2]升高不能弥补增温对产量的负效应。
      To investigate the influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration([CO2], +200 μmol·mol-1)and temperature(+1℃)on grain plumpness of different positions in rice(Oryza sativa L.)under future projected climatic conditions, a field experiment was carried out using the Temperature and Free Air CO2 Enrichment(T-FACE)platform. Compared to ambient temperature and[CO2(] Ambient), elevated[CO2] enhanced the yield and panicle number of the rice. However, elevated temperature had a negative effect on the yield and panicle number. A combination of elevated[CO2] and temperature decreased rice yield by 4.0% and 14.0% and reduced the panicle number by 3.5% and 5.4% in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Superior grain plumpness was best in all grains, with a higher 1000 grain weight than that of fulfilled, medium strength, and inferior grains that increased by 8.0%~11.7%, 10.5%~15.0%, and 38.8%~63.9% on average in both years, respectively. Although elevated[CO2] and warmed temperature had no remarkable effect on the 1000 grain weight of fulfilled grain, superior grain, and inferior grain, elevated[CO2] significantly increased 1000 grain weight of medium strength grain(P<0.05). In contrast, warmed temperature significantly decreased this value(P<0.01). Elevated[CO2] increased superior grain weight and inferior grain weight per panicle at harvest, and decreased grain weight and medium strength grain weight per panicle. Elevated temperature decreased superior grain weight and medium strength grain weight per panicle. Combination of elevated[CO2] and temperature decreased grain weight and medium strength grain weight per panicle. Furthermore, the ratio of superior grain weight to inferior grain weight contributed to the decrease in panicle weight under single elevated[CO2] or temperature. However, the ratio that medium strength grain weight contributed to panicle weight was opposite to this finding. The increase in the ratio of inferior grain weight contributed to panicle weight(33.1%)was larger than that of ratio of superior grain weight contributed to panicle weight(12.4%)on average in 2015 and 2016 under combined elevated[CO2] and temperature. The ratio of the medium strength grain weight contributed to panicle weight decreased by 4.5% on average in both years under combined elevated[CO2] and temperature, respectively. The ratio of superior grain weight, medium strength grain weight, and inferior grain weight contributed to panicle weight was 9.9%~15.9%, 73.2%~84.8%, and 5.2%~10.6% at harvest, respectively. Therefore, the change in medium strength grain influenced rice yield more than superior grain and inferior grain did. Moreover, rice yield in 2016 obviously decreased by 17.3%~28.6% compared with that in 2015 under all treatments, which was further aggravated by rising temperature conditions. This likely occurred because the weight of superior grain, medium strength grain, and inferior grain fell considerably because of high temperature in the blooming stage, rainy and scant lighting in the grain filling stage in 2016. Above all, the combination of elevated[CO2] and temperature decreased medium strength grain weight and its ratio contributed to panicle weight, and the increased ratio of inferior weight contributed to panicle weight, so[CO2] enrichment could not compensate for the negative impact of increasing temperature on rice yield.
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