Toxicity threshold and prediction model for zinc in soil-dwelling springtails in Chinese soils
中文关键词: 白符跳虫    土壤性质  外源添加  毒性预测模型
英文关键词: Folsomia candida  zinc  soil property  exogenous addition  toxicity prediction model
王巍然 山西农业大学资源与环境学院, 山西 太谷 030801  
林祥龙 中国环境科学研究院, 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京 100012  
赵龙 中国环境科学研究院, 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京 100012  
张家乐 陕西科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 西安 710000  
樊文华 山西农业大学资源与环境学院, 山西 太谷 030801 fwh012@163.com 
侯红 中国环境科学研究院, 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京 100012 houhong@craes.org.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1412
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      为了确定我国土壤中Zn对白符跳的毒性阈值并建立其预测模型,以外源添加重金属污染物(ZnCl2)的方式,研究了我国20种典型土壤中Zn对白符跳(Folsomia candida)繁殖率以及存活率的影响。结果表明:白符跳繁殖率对Zn毒害的敏感性远高于存活率,基于总量实测值推导的繁殖率的EC50(半数效应浓度)范围为56~711 mg·kg-1,最大值约为最小值的12.5倍;基于CaCl2提取有效态实测值推导的繁殖率的EC50范围为0.5~5.2 mg·kg-1,最大值约为最小值的8.7倍,这表明利用CaCl2提取有效态Zn,并基于此计算不同土壤中Zn对白符跳繁殖的EC50可以更好地预测土壤毒性。同时,对白符跳繁殖的EC50与土壤理化性质进行相关性分析表明:EC50与土壤pH、非晶质铝含量之间呈显著相关关系,相关系数分别为0.819、0.470。利用回归分析对白符跳繁殖的EC50及土壤理化性质进行分析:土壤pH和土壤有机质含量这两种土壤理化性质可以很好地解释白符跳繁殖的EC50值之间的差异,故对其建立毒性预测模型为lg(EC50)=0.255pH+0.013w(有机质)+0.673,此模型表明土壤pH和w(有机质)可以较好地预测不同土壤中Zn对白符跳繁殖的毒性阈值。
      To determine the toxicity thresholds for Zn in springtails in Chinese soils and establish a prediction model for Zn toxicity, we examined the effects of exogenous Zn on the survival and reproduction of the model organism Folsomia candida in 20 typical types of soil. The results showed that survival sensitivity to Zn toxicity was considerably lower than reproductive sensitivity. The EC50(half effect concentration) of the reproduction rate deduced based on the total nominal value ranging from 56 mg·kg-1 to 711 mg·kg-1 with a difference of 12.5 times, and the EC50 of the reproduction rate deduced based on CaCl2-extracted Zn ranging from 0.5 mg·kg-1 to 5.2 mg·kg-1 with a difference of 8.7 times, which indicates that the effect of CaCl2-extracted Zn in different soils on the reproduction of F. candida, can provide good predictions of soil toxicity. Furthermore, correlation analysis revealed that EC50 values based on the total nominal values are significantly correlated with soil pH and free aluminum, with correlation coefficients of 0.819 and 0.470, respectively. With respect to Zn toxicity thresholds for reproduction, we developed a further prediction model of lg(EC50)=0.255pH+0.013w(OM) +0.673 based pH and soil organic matter(OM) using regression analysis, and found that the predicted EC50 value correlated well with the calculated EC50 value. The model developed in this study indicates that soil pH and w(OM) can provide a good prediction of the toxicity threshold of Zn with respect to F. candida reproduction in different soils.
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